11:00am Worship – 20th Sunday After Pentecost

11:00am Worship – 20th Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to our 11:00am worship on this Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost! It’s also Third Grade Bible Sunday! This event is a milestone in the life of our 3rd grade students. Join us as we pray together, sing, receive God’s word, and respond to God’s goodness. Dr. Wesley Wachob will bring us a word this morning from the gospel according to Mark 10:17-31 – Jesus’ encounter with a rich man, “many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.” Our hymns this morning are “Take Up Thy Cross” and “Lord, Speak to Me.” We’ll also have special music from our Sanctuary Choir. Now, let us worship the Lord in spirit and in truth!